An engineer from Bratislava, Slovakia
During the years working with network and general data center technologies I have been in nearly all positions you can think of starting with network support, engineer, cisco training instructor, consultant to network architect. Despite deeply network focused, I will always remain a "tinkerer" and hold to my inner geek trying to remain universally educated in other fields including SDN, general virtualization and containers, programming, linux, web development (e.g. in the past Wordpress/PHP and recently doing network visualziation tools with Django and D3 javascrtip graphical library), DevOps, HW design and recently picked up computer vision and deep learning technologies. There have been many situations in my carrier that especially the knowledge outside of pure network focus played a critical role in making a project successful.
In addition, I actually have worked in customer facing roles and done some part-time consulting. I know how to present technical work and in general can be relied to keep professional relationships.
Previous companies and my tasks
In this position I worked for cloud offering developing new solutions for our portfolio ranging from minor automation improvements, to broader development of new features by deploying SDN/NFV technologies like Nuage, vmware NSX-T, and integrating even traditional appliance vendors into the cloud using VMs and API.
Here I got to be thrown in the water directly working with the customer and being a dedicated "go to" person for anything network related to match customer high-level needs, issues or ambitions to the network portfolio of my company and sometimes hacking my way beyound it.
Working in datacenter environments of large customers mostly in German/Switzerland. Work varied from standard deployments to working (and repairing) Architecture solutions handed down from quick&dirty pre-sales phases. Also several large Cisco to HP (H3C/3Com) hardware migrations spearheaded by our team.
Regional Cisco Networking Academy at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak Technical University, Ilkovicova 3, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology (Technical College),
Ilkovičova 3, 842 16 Bratislava (Slovakia)
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology (Technical College),
Ilkovičova 3, 842 16 Bratislava (Slovakia)
Since world is not Cisco you know ..
Languages I speak: